Pindone Training Certificate

November 7, 2022

Screenshot 2022-07-25 at 2.08.50 PM

This course is for people applying Pindone pellets broadcast and Pindone Liquid baited carrots to control rabbits. Pindone is not a Controlled Substance Licence (CSL) product because it is not a 6.1A, 6.1B Classification Vertebrate Toxic Agent (VTA) neither does it require a Certified Handlers Certificate. HSW:HS Regulations 2017.

Pindone Liquid is classified 6.1C Toxic, MPI wants to ensure it is not entering our food chain.

Any detection of these pest control products would seriously affect our export market if found to be in meat products.

A person who holds a current CSL for animal pest control products can apply directly to MPI for a Pindone Handlers Licence.

This course is to assist the users in the correct and safe way to apply Pindone.
When completed an Pindone Training Certificate will be issued.
A copy of this Certificate is required in your application to MPI for an Approved Pindone Handlers Licence.

Please note this course is best completed on a desktop or laptop computer.

We suggest you complete this in 1 attempt if possible, but you can come and go from the Information and Assessment using the link that’s emailed to you after registration is completed.

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