Plan Rule
An occupier within the Otago region shall control feral rabbit densities on the land they occupy to at or below Level 3 on the Modified McLean Scale.
Plan Rule Note: This is designated a good neighbour rule
An occupier within the Otago region shall, upon receipt of a written direction from an Authorised Person, control feral rabbit densities on their land to at or below Level 3 on the Modified McLean Scale within 500m of the property boundary where the occupier of the adjoining property is also controlling feral rabbit densities
at or below Level 3 on the Modified McLean Scale within 500m of that boundary.
Plan Rule
Other than under the instruction or supervision of an Authorised Person, no person shall discharge a firearm within or across a property prior to a control operation involving bait or where a control operation involving bait is being undertaken on the property to manage feral rabbits.
A breach of any of these rules creates an offence under section 154N(19) of the Biosecurity Act.
Fore more information on rabbit control in the Otago region please see